8 States of Catastrophe

8 States of Catastrophe takes us on a journey through the Australian continent, exposing snapshots of lives both separate and delicately connected. Mysterious coincidences and a series of catastrophes accompany an ex-journalist and his faithful dog as they twist their way around the continent in this unashamedly Australian novel.

From the political fringes of Canberra to the northern beaches of New South Wales, and into the outback of Queensland (where a mysterious oasis exists on the edge of reality), the story trains an unwavering lens on lives catastrophically altered. In places as diverse a West Australian wheat belt town and suburban St Kilda, our trip guides — MV (a motorcycle-riding psychic poet) and Rider (his old black Labrador) — introduce us to an eclectic cast: Daniella of the nine lines; Ninette, the Keeper of Secrets; Anjellica, a talk-show host lured back to Melbourne from Chicago, and her charismatic chairman-of-the-Melbourne-Football-Club boyfriend, and; Carmel whose childhood was a breeding ground for murderous revenge. Lives intersect, and loss and love collide in this intricate web of humanity.

PRAISE FOR "8 States of Catastrophe"

My favourite character is Daniella of the Nine Lives and ‘impressive cleavage’. She is a wonderful creation, (and Toni Collette is a natural for the part)
Lisa Hill
ANZ LitLovers
It is unashamedly and quintessentially Australian in its backdrops and characters but universal in its take on humanity.
Richard Wentworth
clearly [Tasmania] will never be able to avoid the Martin Bryant stain. But don’t be deterred. [8 States of Catastrophe] is a read with a difference.
Tassie Books
… told against a backdrop of iconic Australian settings … you will feel inspired to travel
Off the Shelf
The Courier Mail
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